Throughout her career, Clare has enjoyed collaborating with a range of artists, from David Byrne to Kraftwerk.
She has written commissions for the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, London Arts, Women in Music, the PRSF, as well as critically acclaimed albums for the Balanescu Quartet, ‘Possessed’ and ‘Luminitza’.
Clare wrote, played and produced for the Balanescu Quartet from 1991 to 2001 when she formed her own group Red-Angel, writing and performing her own material. More success followed with 'Big Small and Sideways', a commission for the London Jazz Festival, 'Traffic Ocean Archway' , commissioned by the Arts Council and Islington Council, and Corelli Leaves, her first orchestral piece commissioned by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.
More recently 'Peppermints and Guns' for solo violin was commissioned by the Big Ideas Company as part of the centenary commemoration for the end of the Great War. A beautiful and powerful set of violin pieces reflecting the experiences of bereaved mothers from the first world war.
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